‘Furries’ and Soros-Linked NGOs March at ‘Trans Pride’

Soros-linked NGO activists, anti-capitalists, and furries reportedly marched in Dublin on Saturday to “assert” their pro-transgenderism “truth” to the population.

A variety of left-wing activists — including the likes of anticapitalists, NGO workers, and even ‘furries’ — took to Dublin’s streets on Saturday to “assert” the views of transgenderism.

According to a report by a report by the Irish Independent, the protest was addressed by an activist from Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI), an organisation that has now repeatedly found itself embroiled in financial and transparency scandals regarding its operations.

“Our voices, our experiences, our needs take primacy over their fear, hate and division,” the activist said, who claimed that “trans” people had taken to the street to “assert our truth, beauty and strength in defiance of those who would attempt to pathologise, dehumanise and attack”.

“Trans women are women, trans men are men, and non-binary people are non-binary,” the activist also said.

via theroaringamerican


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