Lies and Ethics: Biden Cabinet Member Under Pressure

Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., is demanding answers from Jennifer Granholm, Joe Biden’s secretary of Energy, about money, lies and ethics.

The Missouri senator has written to the DOE calling for answers from Granholm about a number of issues.

Hawley’s letter went to DOE Inspector General Teri Donaldson and seeks an investigation of Granholm “for misleading the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee about her financial holdings in April of this year, and her multiple violations of federal ethics laws.”

“Senior officials have no business trading stocks, especially stocks in the industries they regulate. The repeated ethics violations by Energy Department officials undermine the public’s trust in our government and the rule of law,” the senator wrote.

Hawley also made a point, during a recent Senate Energy Committee hearing, of asking the IG to review alleged ethical lapses at the DOE, “in light of reports that hundreds of DOE officials hold stocks related to the agency’s work.”

Earlier this year Hawley demanded Granholm provide an explanation for misleading testimony during a Senate committee hearing where she claimed she did not own any personal financial stocks, when in fact, she held individual stocks as recently as May of this year.

U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo. (Video screenshot)

Granholm also recently sported a metaphorical black eye for a stunt that occurred while she was taking a multi-day drive in an electric vehicle to promote that industry.

One of her staffers drove a gas-power vehicle into a parking spot reserved for EV charging in order to “save” the spot for Granholm’s expected arrival. The owner of another EV wanted to use the parking spot for charging, and was denied access, prompting a call to local police to complain about the elitism favoring Granholm.

The senator’s letter said the DOE should review Granholm’s “misleading” statemnets about her holdings, her “repeated violations of federal ethics laws,” and the general lack of compliance in the department to rules regarding the ownership of regulated companies.

“Prior to her false testimony before the committee, Secretary Granholm had already violated federal stock disclosure laws nine times. Then, during her testimony before the committee on April 20, 2023, Secretary Granholm testified three times, in response to my questions, that she no longer held any stocks. This was not true. At the time, she held stocks in six separate companies,” the senator wrote.

He said she then waited weeks to sell those stocks, and “waited several more weeks” to tell the committee she had not told the truth.

He said the violations “undermine the public’s trust in our government.”

via wnd

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