A federal judge has ordered a prominent pediatric medical group to provide Florida officials with documents explaining why it supports sex changes for children.
The demand of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ (AAP) was prompted by its participation in a federal lawsuit against a new Sunshine State law that bars the use of Medicaid to cover sex change procedures. The group is one of 18 facing subpoenas of documents and communications on guidelines and policies regarding youth medical transition from the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA).
Other groups involved in the lawsuit include the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association, Pediatric Endocrine Society, Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, and Yale University.
At an hour-long hearing last week, U.S. District Judge Carl J. Nichols narrowed the Florida agency’s request for “any” relevant records to those “sufficient to show” the AAP’s total membership, how it establishes guidelines and policy positions for child sex change treatments, as well as any “official communication” with their entire membership concerning the matter.
via joemiller