A Feared Repeat

It is almost impossible to do full justice to the record of corruption and disasters Joe Biden has accumulated in politics and most egregiously while occupying the White House. From opening our southern border to floods of illegal aliens—including terrorists and drug cartels—to weaponizing the Justice Department against his political opponents, to creating inflation through cutting off energy sources and engaging in massive deficit spending, to pushing the gender mutilation of the young, to evidently taking tens of millions of dollars in bribes from the Chinese Communist Party, Biden may be the most reprehensible and corrupt individual who ever sat in the Oval Office. 

That doesn’t even include his disastrous foreign policy decisions, especially the humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan that Biden alone was responsible for ordering. The truth is, it would take reams of paper to list all of Joe’s inept and often dishonest political decisions, even without getting into the evidence of his senile dementia, long history of lying about his own past, and libelous attacks on Republican voters.

One may wonder how such a fool and knave could occupy the presidency, even if he is simply a front for the deep state, the media, and his corporate sponsors. Most prominent among the last are the woke investors at Silicon Valley Bank whom the beneficiary of their donations is now bailing out. What for me is even more disturbing than Biden’s despicable performance in the White House is the likelihood that he will be reelected. Unless certain actions are taken, we may be seeing a repeat of 2020 and 2022.  In a column for The Stream, John Zmirak suggests that we should ask this question of any Republican candidate for the presidency before endorsing him:

Is a candidate willing to admit that Democrats routinely engage in election fraud, and did so in a massive way in 2020, employing the lax voting rules smuggled in during the COVID panic? Admitting this ugly fact will earn a candidate the earsplitting leftist dog-whistle ‘election denier,’ and might even get him sued by a billion-dollar corporation. It will turn off some big money interests, and unite our media in hostility to a forthright, courageous candidate.

Zmirak is right in demanding an answer to this question, although a Republican presidential candidate need not scream his response from the rooftop, provided he tries to keep the Democrats from committing fraud yet one more time.

Democratic governors, like our chief executive in Pennsylvania, have been devilishly clever in using every possible means to create voting conditions that favor both fraud and Democratic victories. Fixers can avoid dealing with unfriendly state legislatures when working to establish desirable voting procedures. They appeal to state courts that have been conveniently packed with obliging Democratic judges. This may soon be happening in Wisconsin if the Democrats manage to elect one more candidate to the state Supreme Court. Then Wisconsin can establish election laws like those Pennsylvania’s present governor, Josh Shapiro, bestowed on that state as attorney general.

Pennsylvania has lots of drop boxes, into which Democratic operatives can dump their already filled-out ballots in the middle of the night, early and not particularly secure voting by mail, and no voter identification requirement. All these arrangements make it exceedingly easy for Democrats to manufacture votes. Republicans will, of course, have trouble getting back into the office to change the voting laws. They won’t be able to outfox the more experienced Democrats as cheaters. And if Republicans try their own finagling, the media, which acts as the Democrats’ shock troops, will scream bloody murder.

Republicans must demand that we go back to the old rules of casting all votes at designated precincts in full sight of poll watchers from both major parties on the scheduled Election Day. They must refuse to participate in elections unless this happens, and they must openly state that what Josh Shapiro, J. B. Pritzker, and other like-minded Democrats have done to denature voting requirements facilitates election fraud. There is no way Republicans can prevail with a voting setup that is an open invitation to cheat but only for one party. Even if Republicans learned the Democrats’ art, they could never apply it as effectively.

When I last voted at my local precinct, I scribbled a signature that looked nothing like the one on the poll watcher’s sheet. Needless to say, I was not stopped from voting. I suspect countless Democratic Party operatives have learned to forge the signatures of those whom they know will not turn up to vote. Understandably, Democrats went ballistic when the governor of Georgia tried to bring the voter rolls in his state up to date. The longer the list of inactive voters, the greater the opportunity for Democratic fraud.

Given all the other obstacles that Republicans face, such as hostile media, the perpetual indignation of unmarried women, and the frenzied LGBTQ+ lobby, it is unrealistic to think they can win the presidency unless they relentlessly address the Democrats’ preferred election arrangements. Otherwise, Republicans can expect to get outsmarted once again.

via amgreatness


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