Afghan Refugee Stopped on US-Bound Flight with Explosive Materials in Luggage

An Afghan refugee was stopped on a US-bound flight with explosive materials in his luggage. The refugee traveled from Kabul to Ramstein Air Base with the explosives in his possession.

He was described as a contractor for the US government.

Just The News reported:

A male Afghan refugee who was departing the Ramstein Air Base in Germany for the United States was detained Monday after it was discovered during pre-flight screening that he had blasting caps and other explosives materials in his carry-on luggage, three U.S. officials told Just the News.

The man, who was born in the early 1990s and an Afghan citizen, was working as contractor for the U.S. government when he was evacuated, and officials believe the materials were related to his work and not terrorism, officials said.

Nonetheless, the man was placed on a restricted list and prevented from traveling to the U.S., according to a Transportation Security Administration summary of the incident obtained by Just the News. “Subject has been moved to a ‘red list’ and will not travel to the U.S.” and U.S. air marshals were advised, the TSA memo stated.

Screeners, including a member of the German military assisting the U.S. at the Air Force base in Germany, found five blasting caps, one igniter switch, a “def cord” and one shock tube when the refugee was apprehended late Monday morning German time, according to officials and the TSA summary report.

“TSA advised that during the physical search (full open) of the individuals baggage a German military member identified a suspicious item in the baggage,” the TSA memo stated. The explosives were taken outside the hangar, an ordinance team was summoned and the man removed from the entry line from the flight, the memo stated.

via rawconservativeopinions


  1. Biden made a mess of everything in Afghanistan, total chaos, and mayhem so he would be able to make a political statement on 9/11 claiming to have ended the war!

  2. This is exactly why we need them to be VETTED BEFORE Entering our Country…something is going to happen and we can thank Joe. Pray it does not, but these are idiots running our Nation and National Security….we have very little.

    • I believe an apt quote comes from Babylon 5 by the character Alfred Bester, “I see they are still hiring from the shallow end of the gene pool.”

  3. These were the people that were VETTED by our DOJ and DOD??? REALLY! FIRE THEM ALL!! What kind of CRAP are you trying to sneak into this country! TRAITORS ALL!!!

    • Vetting……hmmmm……. Do you think they might ask this question of each refugee before allowing them to board the aircraft …. “ARE YOU A CHRISTIAN” ????……….I have a gut feeling that this might be the typical answer …….”YES …I AM CHRISTIAN PRAISE ALLAH”…..

      • That is the last question they would ask, they don’t like Christians here either, remember banning Church worship??? But it was funny! So good one!

  4. hmmmm……. Do you think they might ask this question of each refugee before allowing them to board the aircraft …. “ARE YOU A CHRISTIAN” ????……….I have a gut feeling that this might be the typical answer …….”YES …I AM CHRISTIAN PRAISE ALLAH”…..

      • No that would not be right. They would say that the dam or power plant was too outdated and need to be demolished and he was just doing his job. So no terrorism to see here folks move right along. That would be the way biden would call it.
        just like how he did with what is going on with his fuck up.
        Biden Told Afghan President Ashraf Ghani To Lie About Taliban Strength After Ghani Told Him Up To 15,000 International Terrorists Were Coming
        In the weeks leading up to Afghanistan’s fall to the Taliban, President Joe Biden and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani – who has since run away from his country and his people like a little girl running away from a spider – made a secret back room deal to deceive the entire world about how strong the Taliban threat was as that time.
        According to the transcript of the last phone call between the two, it reveals how Biden asked the Afghan leader to downplay the likely resurgence of the Taliban. He asked him to lie about what Ghani perceived would be a slaughter against his people. What gall Biden has.
        “President Joe Biden wanted the now-departed Afghan president to create the ‘perception’ that his government was capable of holding off the Taliban – an indication he knew it was only a matter of time before the US ally fell to the Islamic group even while reassuring Americans at home that it would not happen,” the Daily Mail reported about the damning transcript.
        “Hey look, I want to make it clear that I am not a military man any more than you are, but I have been meeting with our Pentagon folks, and our national security people, as you have with ours and yours, and as you know and I need not tell you the perception around the world and in parts of Afghanistan, I believe, is that things aren’t going well in terms of the fight against the Taliban.”
        “And there’s a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture,” Biden added.
        Ghani ran away because he told Biden what was coming and the American president not only didn’t offer to help but asked the man to lie about it to the world. This is incredible.

        • Unfortunately you’re right on all counts. It’s well-known that our so-called administration can’t tell the truth if their (or our) lives depended on it, they’re so used to changing facts around to suit themselves and their wallets.

  5. This is why we don’t need them in our damn country. Did we not learn our damn lesson when they decided to fly planes into the twin towers and pentagon? This is an outrage. Our country is already in debt way over its head, yet we allow refugees to come to our country so we can pay for all their stuff too? They get 10 years tax free, new cars, new houses, money to start businesses, while we hard working “actual americans” get the shaft… Biden needs to rot in a jail cell for some of the shady crap he’s done lately. And this is who yall chose (those of you that voted him in) to be our president? We would have been better off sticking with Trump…

    • No More Moslems brought here! We will eventually have to Neutralize the Islamics we already have! Don’t we have enough Savage Minority Warriors NOW??

  6. Is everybody believing this garbage? He just had been told it was OK to bring that stuff on board because Americans are blind, deaf, and stupid, as proven by who they’re allowing to run the country.

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