After a Year of Media Blackouts ABC, NBC, and CNN Report Honestly on Hunter Biden Laptop

Sadly the US mainstream media pumps out more fake news today than Pravda.

In 2020 the fake news mainstream media ALL reported that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian propaganda.  51 top intelligence officials signed a letter saying Hunter Biden’s letter was Russian disinformation. Joe Biden lied about his son’s laptop during a debate. The media lied about it as Russian disinformation to save Joe Biden.

It was a ridiculous lie and anyone with any amount of curiosity knew it.

But suddenly the mainstream media has been directed to report on Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell that contains evidence of orgies, drug use, prostitution, foreign dealings, Biden family corruption, and warnings to keep Hunter away from underage girls.

He’s certainly a chip off the ol’ block.

But now all of the sudden the fake news is reporting on Hunter Biden and the serious investigation against him.

ABC News today-

CBS News-

And even CNN is reporting on the news-

This is weird. Whenever the fake news mainstream media reports honestly you know that something is going on behind the scenes? So what is behind the sudden blip of honest reporting?

via thegatewaypundit

via theroaringamerican


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