Biden Regime Targets “ISIS-K” Terrorists in Missile Strike – Kills 6 Children Instead

The Biden regime can’t find all of the Americans in Afghanistan. They don’t even know the exact number of Americans stranded in the country.

But we are all supposed to believe that Joe Biden and the US Military were able to identify two ISIS-K bombers and incinerate them in a Kabul missile strike earlier today.

As reported earlier – The US military today fired a missile at an apartment in Kabul, Afghanistan.

But it appears Sleepy Joe may have missed his mark.

Seven to nine people including several children were killed today in the US missile strike.

The children are dead tonight because Joe Biden and the US military want to make it look like they are on top of things and in control. They aren’t. They just lost a war to a band of 8th Century barbarians, saw 13 servicemembers murdered in a suicide attack, and surrendered a country and $85 billion in arms to the enemy.

Our country’s elites have never been worse.

via freedomjournalist


  1. More lies from the clownshow Joe Biden and the left . Killing innocent children and claiming he got revenge on ISIS. Sounds about like something the Democrats would do , after all they cheated and lied to put the ilegitiment clown Biden in the oval office . So he can kill innocent children and claim he took out terrorists. Lies and more lies that’s all Democrats do besides cheating.

  2. Afghanistan is still a war zone. Thousands of civilians were killed in air strikes, children included. Biden, most likely did not have any intelligence that would have indicated that children were traveling with the ISIS-K leader targeted. How many children and non combatants died when they targeted our civilians on 9/11 and housing area in Afghanistan and at the air port this past week?

  3. So THAT’S why their was no outrage from the squad like when President Trump’s ordered drone strike took out the “Salami” guy! Here I thought they were just hiding who they had killed in the strike because it was someone Biden released. They don’t care one bit about innocent women and children. They only care about radicalized muslims.

  4. The first thing my wife asked about this ,as I was thinking it, was how do they know who they hit? Sounded more like Clinton lightening.

  5. Biden “controllers” not him, have a free pass to do anything and NO ONE will hold them accountable. Their using Biden’s mental condition as an excuse for their deliberant act, they the democrats think were dumb as a box of rocks !

  6. Said it first when strike news came out,”Without intel on the ground,probably hit a civilian in a stolen Humvee” 😑🇺🇸🇵🇷

  7. who did central command get their info from? it sounds like cnn had something to do with it.anything larger than a bicycle that was left in country should have a hell-fire personally assigned to it.

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