BLM Launches Christmas Campaign Against ‘White-Supremacist Capitalism’

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, Black Lives Matter (BLM) accused Americans of “eating dry turkey and overcooked stuffing on stolen land” and bashed Christmas, linking to a story that says the holiday promotes “white-supremacist-capitalism.”

The group’s official Twitter account — where they call themselves a “collective of liberators” — posted a message on Thanksgiving saying, “YOU ARE ON STOLEN LAND,” with a subhead of “Colonization never ended, it just became normalized.” . . .

And the day after Thanksgiving, BLM posted what it called a “new profile pic.”

Then on Saturday, BLM posted: “For 7 years #BlackLivesMatter has been drawing connections between white-supremacist-capitalism & police violence with our #BlackXmas campaign.”

via realconservativesunite


  1. One of the great freedoms afforded citizens of this nation (but so few others) is the right to up and leave any time you want – assuming you can find some other country to take you. For anyone who seems so profoundly unhappy with this nation and how it works as these people seem to be, I would suggest that they take full advantage of the freedom I just mentioned. And they can rest assured that NO ONE will miss them.

  2. I don’t know, my Thanksgiving turkey was moist and the stuffing was cooked perfectly. Maybe you ought to go somewhere else far, far away for the holidays. Now that I think of it, maybe you ought to go somewhere else far, far away permanently–maybe Communist China.

  3. Don’t care what blm says. They live in the gutter will die in the gutter. Unamerican trash listening to the biggest white supremacist sit in the White House. They are the slaves to Biden, Obama and Clintons who paid them to stay in the gutter. No jobs, no respect from any one and just plain stupid. The karma will be coming fast for these unclass unamerican lazy people. Using their race to bull,destroy America. There are other countries that they can go to. But they know the democrat’s are using them but don’t care as long as the free money keeps coming in. The democrats plantation is getting full again. The blm stand there waiting to get in. Stupidity reins in blm.

  4. Why is it that the most racist people always accuse everyone who don’t agree or think like them racist,BLM don’t like it in America go find yourselves another place to live,don’t worry we won’t miss you,you’re nothing but a bunch of despicable human scum Anyway

    • But wouldn’t that mean they would have to have some sort of initiative to do something on their own besides Burn, Loot, and Murder?

      • What is BLM good for? A couple of things! Like STEALING , KILLING EACH OTHER, DRUGS, LAZINESS! I don’t even know why these companies want to hired them! Walmart is full of them. Not any quality to be a manager at Walmart! Those in management will NOT ENFORCE DRESS CODE AT WALMART!

  5. Big corp . should answer their shakedown with a boycott of their own . Stop paying the blackmail money to blm . They’re robbing you blind already with the organized smash and grab .

  6. BLM – BURN , LOOT , MURDER is looking for funding to promote thier holiday cheer ! Send them a invitation to the next filming of Rust and let Alec Baldwin school them on firearm safety !

    • Speaking of Alec Baldwin did you see him the other night trying to shift the blame away from himself saying he did not know the gun was loaded and it was someone else’s fault?? Baldwin gives good law biding citizens a bad name with his careless lack of respect for a firearm.

  7. What they are saying is that they will not buy from white capitalists but they will pull smash and grab robberies from them instead. ie; since they dont work they do not have any money but they still want their bling.

  8. In the course of human history, what land or peoples can lay claim to be the original occupiers of that land? For that matter, what part of the black experience in America is indigenous to the Americas? BLM is an organization predicated on the disruption of American society and the promotion of a Marxist, socialist government in America. What part of that is not an attempt to appropriate this land from the current owners? Is BLM’s ultimate plan to give this land back to the original owners? I doubt it. They are spoilers and definitely not builders, capitalists, or Americans for that matter. If they have no place here they should leave or be driven out. If they are successful, their new imagined utopian government will undoubtedly dispense with them when they are no longer needed, it is the Marxist, socialist, way.

    • Blm would not go back to Africa to protest! Why? Because they will not last two weeks in Africa! Like back in 1690 when the tribe king sold them into SLAVERY to French people. For FOOD AND WEAPONS! But those here don’t know history! SLAVERY IS STILL GOING ON IN AFRICA! This time the tribe sell them to the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD!

  9. Just think. If these blacks had never been brought to America as slaves, we would have very few blacks living here today. And mooching off the government teat.

  10. More people know what is REALLY GOING ON!!!
    How many TIMES has Saigon Joe DROPPED the “N” WORD – A LOT!! & This White Supremist calls Rittenhouse a White Supremist, NOW that is HYPOCRITICAL & His Embellished Stories tells Americans he’s SHORT in the BRAIN, because he’s a PHONY!!

  11. BLM is the foremost TERRORIST movement in this country. It is domestic financed by the SCUMBAGS of the world like Soros, Gates, the socialists demo-rats and governments like Iran and their supporters, ie. China & Russia. But ONLY the BLM LEADERS are the ones who profit. like the so called founder who used BLM monies to buy herself a million dollar mansion then resigned, while having the ignorant gutter garbage do their work and get nothing. Clean out your own house before you can tell others what they should do. The GREATEST problem is within your own race with the lack of morals, family values, and above all IGNORANCE. Keep in mind that there are those of your own race who despise your actions because you are destroying their lives and families. What you sow will come back at you, multiplied!

  12. COMMUNIST BLM/ANTIFA cares nothing about black lives. In Chicago several dozen are shot each weekend and many die.Millions of balck babies have been aborted. BLM says nothing about these mass destructions of black lives. They are too busy buying $million dollar fancy homes.

  13. show you how STUPID they are ,
    If we are on stolen land , then they are on foreign soil, and they need to get back on the boat and go back to where they came from !

  14. hey blm you and all democrats lets go branden and you . The democrats are the largest terrorist whit supremist the are .

  15. I think baseball bats with sharpened nails dipped in mercury would do nicely. Everyone gets one besides BLM. They will soon be begging the stores to let them in. Oh yeah =
    Buck Foe Jiden the breasonous tastard.

  16. From what this article is implying, the members of the BLM don’t know how to cook turkey and stuffing, and apparently never received Christmas gifts as children, since Christmas is a White holiday in their minds. Where did they get these ideas? From giftless Christmases and bad Thanksgiving dinners? That could explain a lot. My Black friends celebrate both holidays with their families, and some of them are great cooks. They are also not members of the BLM movement.

  17. BLM need to change the name to “show me the money” because they don’t give 2 craps about black lives if they did they would be up in places like Chicago or Philly where blacks are killing each other everyday

    • Why do you think THEY ARE NOT doing anything to Curb the Problem! WHY NOT let those Gangs Kill each other Off that is less of a job the Police have to do!! And how do we NOT KNOW those Democratic Politicians are not making money off those CRIME TOO?

  18. More hot air arising from pure ignorance ! Most people who own land secure it with fences and signs ; none here ! Sorry, BLM. You lose here !

  19. I think the K.K.K. and B.L.M. should be put in an arena and lets see who wins !!!! They aren’t any different in their actions or beliefs , B.L.M. is just a modern day K.K.K. just running under a different color is all !

  20. If these fools aren’t careful, they’ll run into people who won’t put up with their BS and I’m one of millions!!! Being that they are less then 20% of our population, stay fully Locked & Loaded!!!!

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