BREAKING: Maricopa County Officials DELETED ENTIRE DATABASE from Voting Machines

Last week, the Gateway Pundit reported about the emergency meeting that was called by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, after the County was reportedly unable to provide passwords to the auditors performing an audit of the county’s 2020 Election results.  They also did not provide access to the routers which were requested in the audit as well.
100 Percent Fed Up reports– President of the Arizona Senate Karen Fann has written a letter to Chairman Sellers, demanding answers.
Arizona Senate President Karen Fann
Here is the letter to Maricopa County Supervisor Chairman Jack Sellers from Arizona Senate President Karen Fann:
Dear Chairman Sellers:
I am writing to seek your assistance and cooperation in the resolution of three (3) serious issues that have arisen in the course of the Senate’s ongoing audit of the returns of the November 3, 2020, general election in Maricopa County.
I. Ongoing Non-Compliance with the Legislative Subpoenas
The first issue concerns Maricopa County’s apparent intent to renege on its previous commitment to comply fully with the legislative subpoenas issued on January 13, 2021, which, as you know, Judge Thomason found were valid and enforceable.
Nevertheless, in an effort to resolve the dispute regarding production of the routers, we propose that agents of CyFIR, an experienced digital forensics firm and subcontractor of Cyber Ninjas, review virtual images of the relevant routers in Maricopa County facilities and in the presence of representatives of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. Such an arrangement would permit Maricopa County to retain custody and monitor the review of router data while ensuring that the Senate may access the information it requires—and to which it is constitutionally entitled—to successfully complete its audit. The Senate has no interest in viewing or taking possession of any information that is unrelated to the administration of the 2020 general election.
II. Chain of Custody and Ballot Organization Anomalies
As the audit has progressed, the Senate’s contractors have become aware of apparent omissions, inconsistencies, and anomalies relating to Maricopa County’s handling, organization, and storage of ballots.We hope you can assist us in understanding these issues, including specifically the following:
For your convenience, images of the corresponding pink report slips are attached in Exhibit A.
The image below shows the location of the files known to be deleted. In addition, the main database for “Results Tally and Reporting” is not present.
* * *
I am hopeful that we can constructively resolve these issues and questions without recourse to additional subpoenas or other compulsory processes.To that end, I invite you and any other officers or employees of Maricopa County (to include officials in the Elections Department) who possess knowledge or information concerning the matters set forth above to a meeting at the Arizona State Capitol on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, at 1:00 p.m. in Hearing Room 109. Chairman Petersen, former Secretary Bennett, and I will attend the meeting, which will be live-streamed to the public.
Please let me know at your earliest convenience whether you accept my invitation and, if so, which Maricopa County personnel will attend.
Thank you for your cooperation on these important issues of public concern.
Karen Fann, President
Arizona State Senate
When inspectors received the boxes of ballots where the audit was being performed, the tamper-proof tape was cut on the boxes and the number of ballots inside the boxes was not the same as what was reported by the County reporter, and what was turned over to the Senate don’t line up.
A week before the machines were turned over, records were deleted by an administrator—this has to be treated as an act of intentional cover-up!
The Maricopa Arizona Audit team has also tweeted about the breaking bombshell:
Why would the database be deleted unless there was something massive they were trying to hide? This article is for everyone who’s been trying to convince Americans that no voter fraud took place in the November election and that it was the safest and most secure election in modern history.
Nothing to see here!
via thegatewaypundit


  1. The courts still do not care if there was fraud regardless of the evidence! Communist democrats are on a roll from now on when it comes to elections!

  2. Why are republicans still doing nothing about this fraudulent election and all the cover ups that are going on ?? the soros tentacles are very far reaching even to the point of fat and juicy book deals for millions of dollars. Goes all the way up to the supreme court < HOW SAD !!!!

  3. Guilty!! Innocence doesn’t need to hide anything or destroy evidence. These sick, immoral people look desperate to the rest of us.

    • Evil will not win. Maybe in this life but not in the afterlife. These people will have to meet God one day just like the rest of us.

        • As it is written, so it IS :
          “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man sows, that he will also reap.”
          {GALATIANS 6:7}
          The lascivious, lecherous, luciferian leftist losers have sown perdition (confusion, chaos, destruction, death and doom), and they shall reap the whirlwind of misery, agony, anguish, angst, desolation and desperation in darkness and hellfire throughout Eternity ! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

      • Jesus will have no mercy on those who voted for the Democratic Party. Why? For they all have blood on their hands … the butchering of the unborn … more than 62 million … more than the Holocaust and the Stalin era atrocities combined … those Dems who believe in Pro Choice will be punished come judgment day and the unborn will be there to witness this event …

      • Sister-in-Christ :
        Evil never really prevails.
        It just takes up temporary occupancy, usurping authority under false pretenses, akin to what the demonic, despotic, DEMONcratic devil-dancers have undertaken by perpetrating their most recent fraudulent scheme !
        The inevitable triumphant outcome is always : GOOD over evil, TRUTH over lies, RIGHT over wrong, LIGHT over darkness, HOLINESS over unholiness, and RIGHTEOUSNESS over unrighteousness !
        Deceived, deceptive and doomed !

  4. Seriously, it’s time to start locking people up. Contempt of Senate Orders, Failure to Comply, Tampering and Destroying Evidence, and lots more. There has to be a password trail of whomever accessed those machines and when. Subpoena and confiscate the cell phones of everybody involved in the storage/handling/processing of those items. I guarantee you somebody has something on their phone. This is absolute treason, and it needs to be treated as such. And when you prove the guilty parties, they need to go before a firing squad.

  5. It is time to round them up and throw them all in jail for contempt? after some time in jail others will come out and tell as they will not wish to sit in jail as well! the question here is when will you have the guts to do it?

  6. This is despicable! How can we allow weak Biden to remain in office??? He did not win, this is disgusting and disgraceful. He needs to be removed immediately.

  7. Lock them all up and throw the key away . They cheated and are now destroying the evidence of thier election fraud . The Democrats and Biden can claim no election fraud but 80 million people know better . Innocent people don’t destroy evidence . All the votes from Arizona need to be disqualified . Joe the CLOWNSHOW Biden did NOT win our 2020 presidential election. Cheaters are not winners !

  8. There is a cure for the “commie crud”. It usually involves loud noises, slow walking and sad talking. The commies have inflicted their pathetic disease on decent folk for several years. It has progressed from a pain in the a** to a serious stench of vile, putrid scuz. It is past time to initiate the cure on the miserable slugs and take our country back…

  9. From the playbook of Hillary Clinton. Ignore a subpoena and destroy evidence; then dare you to do something about it!

  10. If the justice system is not working, I’m sure private citizens can amend that. Action not words is needed.

    • While I believe that you are correct, we have been bred and raised to be peaceful, law-abiding citizens. It is difficult to picture active rebellion. We know that “they” will not treat conservative protestors like they treat BLM, etc. We will be treated like the innocent bystanders were treated on the Jan 6 episode. I don’t know how we can get around that, but I have not been exposed to military training, either. Excellent leadership and knowledgeable followers are needed!

      • Let Jesus punish them come judgment day … no need for violence or revolution … we have too much to lose …

  11. Wow it is a good thing it is the democrat’s destroying the evidence…or otherwise people would be in serious trouble….right? The democrat’s party is never held accountable for their crimes, per the authorities & the courts!

  12. This seems to be standard procedure by the communist democrats. Just get rid of the evidence so they can’t check it. Worked for Hillary, didn’t it? I fear the only way we get our country back is through a public uprising. What a shame. It will take a revolution to cure what Americans could easily have done at the ballot box. To everyone voting for the radical left, good luck, you’re going to need it!!

  13. Clear and flagrant evidence not only of the election fraud perpetrated on the American voter, but also of the obvious cover-up by the Democrats, lest the public find out the TRUTH!!!

    • Now you know why the DEMS have passed bills that allow criminals to vote again, regain their voting rights after there many crimes. Yes it really was self-serving.

  14. “You can fool some of the people all the time, and all the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.”
    Abraham Lincoln

  15. Revoke citizenship and deport ALL Democrats. Send them all to Nigeria. That is a country that has everything they demand…especially the drugs.

  16. So what exactly does it take to wake people up to the point where they realize an election was stolen and the ones that stole it don’t give a damn if they are caught red handed! Now that they have and now that they know they can do this along with lying constantly and get away with it, there is nothing stopping them! They know they can do literally anything they want and the American people will not revolt! I’m not sure anymore who to be pissed at, the American people for not doing anything or the socialist for doing what everyone knew they would do!

  17. Everyone knows the Democrats cheated. It is time for the courts to weigh in and do their jobs. They took oaths for justice and the sob liberals broke every law on the books. They deserve no mercy and the election needs to be made right for the people. No one ever said that politicians took rank over the people. They committed fraud and treason for that matter. Put them in jail out of office.

  18. Of course you can’t share this story because it’s (abusive),what a frickin’ joke facebook is. I hope all these big tech monopolies are broken up soon.

    • And commies Zukerberg and Dorsey sent packing to China! They love communism so much! And strip both of these cockroaches of their wealth!

  19. Each and every person involved in this investigation should be prosecuted for TREASON.
    Remember the meaning of the word TREASON, look it up. the offense of acting to overthrow one’s government or to harm or kill its sovereign.a violation of allegiance to one’s sovereign or to one’s state. the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery. Is this not what these investigators, Biden, all of his communist friends, polsi, obama, and yes Hillary DID.

    • I fear that the Soros prosecutors and the rotten courts are no saviors of the patriots. That has been a huge part of the problem since November 2020.

  20. SO what was “DELETED” ??? BIDEN VOTES which may Disallow the DEMENTED IDIOT’s WIN???? Ot TRUMP VOTES which DEMANDS SOME ANSWERS just as to WHY, WHO and the INTEGRITY of the SYSTEM????

  21. This should have been expected and those machines should have been taken by force if necessary by the authorities before evidence was destroyed. Now someone should most definitely be headed to prison for the remainder of their lives and the vote/election should be redone. There is more than ample proof that this 2020 Presidential Election was won by fraud. No where on earth has there ever been a group of people so corrupted as they are in Arizona.

    • Well maybe try PA, WI, MI and/or GA to increase your corruption list for starters. The list is going to get long.

      • I live in Georgia and can say that D’Rats have always tried underhanded voting. They just created so many phantom votes last election that decent honest voters didn’t stand a chance.

  22. Again ! Where the Alphabet Agencies CIA, FBI, DOJ? Is anyone Listening? Why aren’t the Republican Gongressmen and Women Screaming at the top of their Lungs at this Outrage?
    Somebody should contact Jovan Pulitzer because he knows how to get at the information in those Voting Machines and he can get to the truth as he has proven in the past!The Democrats have done their “Worst” to hide from We the People what we already know and we are stuck in a situation that cannot be cured without ACTIVE INVESTIGATION WITHOUT INTERFERENCE!


    • Wasn’t Hillary seen in the area running around with her bleach-bit tool kit looking for laptops, voting machines and servers? Well maybe not ‘running’……

  24. We will NEVER get the real truths from any of the election “irregularities” because they were NOT just irregularities, they were blatantly INTENTIONAL actions taken by MANY to steal this election. After the four years of enduring all the FALSE crap thrown at and on President Trump, we the people, at least we who are using our brains, KNOW that those who wanted Trump out of the way did absolutely everything to make sure that happened. Those of us who KNOW that no longer have a scintilla of confidence in the Federal government on any level. I hate to say this, but I would not be upset if a MASSIVE revolution takes place in this nation. Trump and others wanted to clean the swamp out, but even if he had stayed in office for a full 8 years , he would have only been able to scratch the surface of the corruption in our government. It is a terrible and very sad realization for we the people to NOW fully understand just how bad it has all become. Like great kingdoms from the beginning of history we the USA will also fall and it is all due to the evil lust for power and wealth. Nothing new, it is man’s downfall to become so entrenched in greed and power that has always brought destruction and where we as a nation are now at is no different.

  25. simple solution. If Maricopa cant provide proof that the votes the “counted” actually are on record, then NONE OF THEIR VOTES should be counted. Time to just assume if there is no database proving valid voters, NO VOTES SHOULD BE CONSIDERED VALID.

  26. If there are no crimes, there is no need to destroy records and evidence. So begin the real investigation into the voter fraud 2020 ploy. More will break ranks when some of their complicit pals get arrested and jailed.

  27. These commie liars and thieves need ro be held accountable! These pigs need to be brought to justice! NOW!

  28. the judges should tell these people they will go to jail if they dont do as told,this will prove biden cheated the elections,we know the DOj is totally corrupt evan after barr went back to the swamp

  29. For anyone who has ever worked inn the court system, things have to follow a course. To do otherwise would challenge the great strides that are taking place, we cannot contaminate the process. Take faith in the HUGE amount of deficiencies that have already been found and more will be coming forth. This has now become TOO BIG for more cover up and heads are going to begin to roll. Pray for us all to stand strong and have faith in good prevailing over evil because that is what is going to happen. One careful step at a time, okay guys?

  30. These people should be locked up. Why would these idiots think they have the right to do all of this? It is disgusting & they should all be prosecuted, ASAP!

  31. Mike Lindell showed detailed records of cyberflips from China in “Absolute Interference”. That includes the destination. If that is matched to the numbers of the routers; I believe that would be compelling.

  32. Just like “Killary” wiping her servers! This is B.S. and people need to go to jail over this crap or I guess real American Patriots will have to step up and stop this Treason and save America. If Trump or any other damn Republican did this there would be FBI Investigations up the Rectum !

  33. If there wasn’t fraud, the dems would be fully cooperative to prove it. Their actions so far prove to me fraud was committed and the election was stolen.

  34. ALL of the officials and anyone/everyone involved in deleting those data bases should be arrested immediately and charged with contempt and obstruction regarding an on going investigation. Those found guilty should be removed from office and sent to prison. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

  35. It’s time to stop tip toeing around these corrupt, no good, cheating dems. They need to rot in prison. Republicans had better stand up and DEMAND that something be done. We are doomed unless something gets done about voter fraud. President Trump won the election!!

  36. The Democrats are criminal to the core … as an example … when you buy cigarettes or alcohol you have to show your ID … when you board a plane you must show your ID … but when it comes to voting … no need … Why? So they can cheat …

  37. Anyone with half a brain knows the election was stolen/rigged from/against President Trump. But yet again Democrats get away with, fraud, theft and all that goes with it.

  38. Look up Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, IT genius hired. He was offered $10 mill to refuse the job. He found Dominion machines that were hooked up directly to the internet, others transmitting voting data to China and Russia, and still others tampered with to add/remove votes. MASSIVE FRAUD. He finished there; the Dems and Dominion knew they were caught, so they purposely destroyed election results. Jovan’s now in Georgia auditing. Good interview on Gateway Pundit.
    The leftists and Dominion employees who are responsible need to be arrested , investigated, charged and found guilty. They broke CONSTITUTIONAL law: the right to a free and fair election. Every republican voter in Arizona needs to jump on a class action suits over their denied rights
    Since they purposely committed this crime, a special election must be held WITH ID and without Dominion machines. I guarantee a landslide for Trump.
    Every single battleground state needs to have its Dominion machines seized immediately to ensure no deleted records. Again, I guarantee a landslide for Trump. The SCOTUS did a grave disservice to America by throwing all of those election suits out. This is massive corruption and crime at the highest levels of our government. It is the biggest political scandal in American history.


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