Facebook Blacks Out After Whistleblower Exposes Social Media Giant

Cybersecurity expert Brian Krebs says Facebook, as well as its Instagram and WhatsApp platforms, are all suffering from ongoing global outages due to someone from inside Facebook updating the company’s Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) records, which took away the map telling the world’s computers how to find its online properties. According to a New York Times reporter, employees cannot even open doors with their security cards due to the catastrophic outage.
While it remains unclear why this happened, Krebs says how it happened is clear: On Monday morning, something inside Facebook caused the company to rescind key digital records that tell computers and other devices how to find the destinations online. . .
In addition to preventing its billions of users from utilizing the social media platform, the Facebook outage has also prohibited the company’s employees from communicating with each another using their internal tools, as Facebook’s email and tools are all managed in house, via the same domains that are now offline. . .
The mass Facebook outage comes shortly after CBS’ 60 Minutes aired an interview with Frances Haugen, a Facebook whistleblower who recently provided many of the documents that made up the publication’s Facebook Files series.
Breitbart News has reported extensively on the “Facebook Files” series from the Wall Street Journal which made a number of damning claims about the tech giant based on a series of internal company documents.
Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp Hit by Global Outage
Facebook-owned properties — including Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger — were hit by sweeping outages Monday.
The issues started around 11:45 a.m. ET, according to DownDetector, and were hitting users globally.
By 12:30 p.m. ET, the outages appeared to subside, according to DownDetector, though tens of thousands of users were still reporting problems.
Shortly after noon, Facebook’s site returned a message that read, “This site can’t be reached.”
Andy Stone, a Facebook spokesman, acknowledged the outage on Twitter, saying, “We’re aware that some people are having trouble accessing our apps and products. We’re working to get things back to normal as quickly as possible, and we apologize for any inconvenience.”
This Facebook Whistleblower Wants More Censorship, Not Less
A Facebook whistleblower, Frances Haugen, is set to appear before the Senate Commerce Committee tomorrow. She’s far from the first Big Tech whistleblower to expose Silicon Valley’s inner workings — but she is one of the first to call for more censorship, not less. That’s probably why the establishment media has embraced her with open arms.
It’s also probably why she’s one of the only whistleblowers to be invited to testify to the Senate. I’m sure Democrats love the idea of a Facebook insider telling them the company needs more regulation to stop “hate speech” and “disinformation” — which is what she’s clearly called for in recent interviews.
Haugen was part of Facebook’s infamous “Civic Integrity” group, the unit charged with watching over (i.e, interfering) in the last presidential election.
Haugen left because she didn’t think it went far enough.
Despite its vast apparatus of censorship, the politically biased “fact checking” apparatus, the bans of prominent conservative influencers, the ban of Donald Trump himself, Haugen thinks the platform isn’t taking down enough “dangerous” content.
via joemiller


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