LATEST – NO ONE Is Admitting Illegally Deleting Files in Arizona Election Audit

Who deleted the files
CodeMonkeyZ (CMZ) provided explosive perspectives on the 2020 Election after the election by relying on his Cyber Security and IT expertise and applying it to the election.   He, like many others, was banned from Twitter.  He is reborn in Telegraph.
Last night CMZ released a number of posts on Telegraph.  In this first post, CMZ provides a memo from the President of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS), Jack Sellers.  In it, Sellers labels the Senate and anyone who wants to perform a legitimate audit of the County’s results backing “lies and half-truths”.
Sellers admits deleting files from voting machines is a crime.  He says, “the claim that our employees deleted election files and destroyed evidence is outrageous.”  We know that but he doesn’t his team didn’t do that.
As CMZ notes, Sellers never says the files were not deleted.  He leaves the question open, who selected the files.
If the County didn’t delete the files, and this seems supported by the fact the county didn’t have admin passwords, then who deleted the files?
CMZ notes that there are laws that make deleting files of this type related to elections criminal acts.  The AZ Secretary of State is required to keep the source code related to every election.  We don’t know if this was done.
Now the potato is getting hot and the and no one wants to get caught with it.  The blame game of who illegally deleted the files provided to the AZ Senate auditors is on fire.
via thegatewaypundit


  1. Time to round them all up and jail them under a contempt charge without any bail? then just sit back and watch them squirm? then they will telling on the others and we will find out who did it?

    • That will definitely change some minds. The fact that the Election Board (Republican) is fighting the audit is more than likely, they are being paid handsomely to cheat

      • Exactly, like what happened in Georgia. Both Governor Kemp and the SOS Raffensperger were perhaps paid handsomely to throw the election there to Biden and the Democrats. I believe this was primarily done through Dominion software. Of course, everyone who has suggested this in the past (Mike Lindell – the My Pillow guy) has been sued by Dominion for over a billion dollars. The court case will be very interesting, but the results will not be known until long after Biden/Harris is out of power. Safeguards must be initiated to prevent any software from being used to count election ballots because as we saw in the 2020 election, there are problems with election counting software because it can be used to change votes from one candidate and give them to another one. Democrats love to talk about voter suppression, but never talk about all the election and voter fraud they do every election. That is why our country is in such dire straits right now.


  2. If someone was able to get into the system and delete the files without leaving any signs of doing so, then the security on this system has been woefully inadequate from the beginning. That security failure should be the subject of a major nationwide study on all government computer systems, at all levels of government. Government agencies, including the IRS, have been compromised multiple times since the Computer Age, and the problem may have been far more widespread than they are announcing.

    • Time to do away with Dominion voting machines. Ballot voting and absentee voting with notarized signature will be legal for voting. No mail in ballots. The Democrats used the COVID virus to steal/rig the election for Democrats.

  3. hillary must be in charge of the files , knowing that if you delete everything — ( then nothing happened ) What a crock !!!
    We can bet that nobody will be prosecuted for this , nor will there be jail sentences for anyone else involved in the election fraud and the demise of America. Too much money gets passed around form the evil one named soros and cohorts.

  4. It’s time people involved in the 2020 presidential fraud scheme be arrested, prosecuted and jailed for their actions. Choices have consequences. It’s time for Americans to stand up to the Democrats and demand their resignations. It’s time to charge the radical Democrats with treason.

  5. I’m amazed that anyone would be dumb enough to think that someone would come forward and admit to committing a crime! That’s just not what socialist communist do! And besides that, it wouldn’t matter if they did! The DOJ or FBI aren’t going to indict or prosecute anyone for anything as long as you’re a socialist communist! People need to get real about all this! All the evidence in the world doesn’t mean squat if no one gets indicted or prosecuted! This changes nothing!

    • Arizona can prosecute and don’t need FBI, DOJ to do it. People can go to jail for election fraud. This needs to be repeated everywhere. When enough is found, the Supreme court will be forced to hear the cases that result from it. We will see how corrupt our government is. Justice has no time limits. It will all be revealed and then we will see if government needs to be removed and replaced. They supposedly work for us. If enough complain and contact our government officials they will have to address it. If they fix the problems that will help.

          • That’s a fact. Don’t get me wrong, I want to see justice served, but demanding justice in a corrupt government is futile without revolution.

        • You are correct because the supreme court showed us during this past election that they are nothing but a bunch of Establishment Democrats taking money from the likes of George Soros, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Mike Blumberg, and all the other Democrat billionaires. Of course, I can not prove this, but maybe a congressional investigation must look at this and look no further than their bank accounts.

      • Complain every day in every way!!! Bug them until they need to look into it….tell them we will not vote for them unless they do.

    • YET…if nobody speaks up and just lets it go….we gain northing as well. We need investigations and punishments for these crimes.

      • I agree, but when the investigations show evidence and the DOJ or FBI ignore it, it becomes a waste of taxpayers money. It’s really up too the American people, either they revolt against it or they don’t.

        • And that is exactly why we need action!! I hope there is someone out there listening to our pleas for help. I pray for justice to come and that the Lord will intercede, as I know many friends also praying for this. The Lord is our Advocate. He reigns!!

  6. its time we demand a new election with paper ballots only, no counting machines. In all the states in question

    • Good idea. If the election was reversed, Lloyd Austin (the Marxist Secretary of Defense) would lose his job of indoctrinating our military people to be good Marxists. He is requiring all military people to under go Critical Race Theory training (actually indoctrination) so they can eliminate all extremists (you know President Trump supporters, conservatives, and Christians) from the military ranks. Just today, they fired a Lt Col who was the commander of a Space Force squadron in Colorado because he wrote a book warning everyone about the Marxist training our forces are going through under Lloyd Austin’s pentagon. People, this is serious and I must ask the question, “where are all the Republican politicians” opposing this type of indoctrination? Our military is supposed to be non partisan when it comes to political views. Austin immediately changed this when he became Secretary of Defense. Austin must be fired and someone put in as the Secretary of Defense who would return our Pentagon to concentrating on fighting wars; not indoctrinating our troops.

    • Also, maybe the governor is involved like what happened in Georgia. Seems political people like presidents (Obama, Clinton, and Carter), governors and SOS seldom ever get prosecuted for their fraudulent behavior while in office.

  7. I am so sick of this crap. NO ONE HAS THE GUTS TO STAND UP FOR OUR COUNTRY ANYMORE. DOESN’T ANYONE CARE THAT WE WILL BE A COMMUNIST/SOCIALIST COUNTRY WHERE THE PATRIOTS? I through Doug Ducey had more guts than this. My God we have the proof that the election 2020 was rigged, BIDEN is not our President, TRUMP is. Am I the only who isn’t blind.

  8. Well, I think it is easy to figure out who deleted the file. If Dominion is the ONLY entity that has the administrative passwords, well it stands to reason that someone at Dominion must have deleted the file(s)! There is always a footprint of who did something on a computer. Follow the footprints, they will lead you to the culprit!

  9. This is not complicated. WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE? To me this seems to be a very simple question. If AZ was responsible why was Dominion employees even there? Oh – they were running the election – probably. Someone needs to raise their hand and say I was running the election. Sooner or later the truth will come out whether it is the truth or not. Does AZ own the machines? If so AZ is entitled to the passwords otherwise the machines can not be serviced by the owners and totally useless. If dominion owns the machines someone should should shove the machines up Dominions a$$ as AZ has NO control over the machines. The machines should have a log of who and when users logged in. If those logs are missing then only people who have knowledge of the system AND login rights probably deleted the logs. Oh and that brings us right back to Dominion who is anti Trump.

  10. The SOS should be held as responsible – in this case, irresponsible – and punished as if they purposefully did it….PLUS this should be an automatic win for Trump. It proves they are hiding mass fraud and we need to set the precedent that tampering of elections is not going to be endured by any means. I also think that all Republicans (Senate & House) should get the wins….to be fair. After all, these races would also be contested as well. I am just waiting for them to audit Michigan…I wonder what they will find there?? I guarantee….not good! (I demand that my vote be counted!) All 50 states need to do this.

  11. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! These morons need to be made to do this & suffer all the
    consequences that go with their actions! How dare they do this! Isn’t is enough that our election was stolen from us? They think they can get by with this crap & are realizing they cannot, so let’s blame everyone else. The law needs to bare down on these idiots & prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law to make an example of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Republican elected officials. all have confirmed the election and you pathetic souls want to believe in DISPROVEN election fraud conspiracy theories. DJT & Lindell both belong in the same asylum. Rudy and his legal clowns make all the claims to the press, but when he has to show it in a courtroom he goes silent. Never proves anything. The clowns are out and you continue to buy the act.Even Sidney Powell admitted that she could not believe that people bought her outrageous claims of voter fraud.

  13. Someone in Arizona needs some jail time and not just one person. Enough is Enough. They have removed any doubt that a crime was committed. Illegal Election of Biden.

  14. Its obvious that the BOS or some agent of the BOS deleted the files. And we know when they did it..The log shows them being deleted right before they turned over the devices and logs to the Audit in April. They say they did’nt have the admin password. They could be lying about that as well. Either way its a violation. If Dominion did it then they are criminals as well. They admitted they had the password. And eye witnesses saw them running the elections operations. Another violation. Dominion are in violation of the subpoena by refusing to turn over the password. The BOS and sheriff lied about routers as well as they DO NOT contain personal info. The have traffic logs ….thats it. Another violation. So the law has been broken. Time for those responsible to face the music. And all this before the audit results are done. The whole election in Maricopa county is a sham. We will find the same things in all the swing states.

    • you are correct Notti, this crime has been commited in all the Demo states as well, all our representitives are scared shitless to raise a finger to stop any of this, america is doomed unless they wake-up fast.

  15. The Flames of Denial will be extinguished by the Truth ! Someone knows something about this and it won’t be swept under any rug,Soon it will be exposed as a Fraudulent Election

    • Vinnie S., I hope you are correct about this, but I do not have the confidence you have that something will be done about all this cheating. I refer you to the US supreme court not taking any election and voter fraud cases from the 2020 election. Was there that much hatred of President Trump out there? I know John Roberts hated President Trump and he persuaded the justices of the court to not take any cases concerning the 2020 election. That is why I would love to see a congressional investigation of this after Pelosi loses her control of the House in 2022.

  16. The files were most likely deleted by Penzone, the County Sheriff…he’s a screaming liberal. He certainly has access to the system since the software is shared by the Sheriff’s office.


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