Marco Rubio Has the Perfect Response to BLM’s Horrific Statement on Cuba

As freedom fighters have taken to the streets across Cuba, the Marxist Black Lives Matter organization blamed the United States for the protests, defending the communist government in Havana. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), the son of Cuban immigrants, offered to help the Marxists move to Cuba, if they think it’s so peachy.
“Black Lives Matter condemns the U.S. federal government’s inhumane treatment of Cubans, and urges it to immediately lift the economic embargo,” the Black Lives Matter statement began. “This cruel and inhumane policy, instituted with the explicit intention of destabilizing the country and undermining Cubans’ right to choose their own government, is at the heart of Cuba’s current crisis.”
“Since 1962, the Untied States has forced pain and suffering on the people of Cuba by cutting off food, medicine and supplies, costing the tiny island nation an estimated $130 billion,” the statement continued. “Without that money, it is harder for Cuba to acquire medical equipment needed to develop its own COVID-19 vaccines and equipment for food production.”
Wait, haven’t the advocates of government health care been pointing to Cuba as an example? If Cuba’s health care system is so great, why isn’t Havana on the cutting edge of COVID vaccines?
While Black Lives Matter attacked the U.S. for allegedly oppressing Cuba, it praised the communist regime. “Cuba has historically demonstrated solidarity with oppressed peoples of African descent, from protecting Black revolutionaries like [domestic terrorist and cop killer] Assata Shakur through granting her asylum, to supporting Black liberation struggles in Angola, Mozambique, Guinea Bissau and South Africa,” the statement continued.

Black Lives Matter concluded by calling on President Joe Biden to end the embargo, which the statement condemned as “a blatant human rights violation.”
Rubio responded perfectly. “My office stands ready to help the leaders of the Black Lives Matter organization emigrate to [Cuba],” the senator tweeted.
Lest Americans actually consider Black Lives Matter reliable on Cuba, Rubio also noted a report in the Miami Herald. The Miami newspaper reported that Cuba’s communist government agreed to lift restrictions on food and medicine imports.
“Wait… [Cuba] had restrictions on importing food & medicine? How can that be? All week long the national media has been reporting it’s the US embargo restricting food & medicine to Cuba,” Rubio tweeted.
Protesters in Cuba have made no bones about their ultimate goal — overthrowing the communist regime. Yet many on the Left have long praised that regime. Recently, “1619 Project” Founder Nikole Hannah-Jones claimed that the communist revolution solved “codified racism” in Cuba. In fact, she pointed to the communist regime as an example of racial equality.
As Cubans fight for their freedom, the Marxists who push critical race theory are revealing their true colors in America. The Cubans deserve freedom, but Rubio’s tongue-in-cheek response proved instructive: if Black Lives Matter and Hannah-Jones like communist oppression so much, why not move to Cuba?
via pjmedia



    • Problem is, remember the Bay of Pigs? JFK was conned into trying to free the Cubans from Castro, but his own CIA and others made sure that it would fail. Besides, remember who is residing in the Oval Office, CCP Joe. He sure ain’t about to help anybody who’s fighting communism.

  2. Good answer Mr. Rubio I like it. The BLM socialist thugs need to be quiet their stupidity is showing again. Here’s to hoping the citizens of Cuba are able to take back their country and end all the years of oppression they had to endure.

  3. They would never consider that option. I mean, that would NEVER work for the dingbats, as they would not be able to pop off with their stupid nonsense. They want to do the shooting – not get shot at. LOLOLOLOL!

  4. When are they leaving ??? can they take AOC and the rest of the squad ?? maybe they can all be happy with Castro !!!!

    • Don’t forget the Vermont senator. No doubt he’d be happy there, since he honeymooned in the Soviet Union. One wonders about the woman he had married. Was she a commie, too? Had to be, because who’d want to have their honeymoon in the USSR?

  5. Why don’t we true Americans help these blm clowns onto the ship that will take them to their promised land ?? That way they can live happily ever after and we don’t have to listen to them piss and moan any more. I’ll contribute to that cause.

    • They won’t leave! They would have to give up their Welfare & Foodstamps & Freebees! They might have to actually work for a living!

  6. If the BLM like commies so much. They can move to Cuba to help the Cuban people. Remember bring the Squad along.

  7. Let’s do a trade. Take all the BLM/Antifa, demorats- all the elites- Hollyweirds, Waters, Schumer, Squad, Pelosi/Oprah have enough $ combined to ‘run their own country’. Dump them into cuba. Then We take all the good cuban people-

    • Yes! And their corrupt leaders need to be arrested for the damages to cities and the murders those sows caused! There members should be glad I’m not in charge! BLM members would be shot on sight and mowed down with tanks! They are dispicable murdering terrorists! And pedo Biden supports them!

  8. Having been stationed in GTMO, at the naval hospital, back in ’80, I became friends with a Cuban national who worked at the hospital galley 5 days a week. He’d talk about life in Castro’s Cuba and the things he had to undergo all of the time. He definitely didn’t paint it as a “worker’s paradise.” We had some Cubans make escapes onto the base. Sadly, we’d have a mine go off in the minefield that separated the base from the communist Cuba. We were told that it would be a deer, but I don ‘t think anybody believed that. The hardships that the Cubans endured was not due to the United States, but due to Castro’s and the Soviet Unions tight stranglehold on the people and my Cuban nationalist friend would have agreed, considering the things he told me of his life there. One would’ve thought that their plight would’ve improved once Fidel kicked the bucket, but it appears his brother is just as bad a dirty rotten scoundrel, though without the Soviet backing.

  9. BLM must be recognized for what it is; domestic terrorist and communist, who tricked shallow corporations to give them funds for killing and at taxpayer expense meaning they have been blessed by the biden bolsheviks in the WH and congress

  10. BLM = black communists who hate America and want you dead
    antifa = white communists who hate America and want you dead

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