Mother of Slain Marine: Biden Voters ‘Killed My Son’ (VIDEO)

The mother of slain U.S. Marine Rylee McCollum spoke out in a radio interview Saturday.
“Every Democrat who is listening, you did this to my son,” the marine’s mother, Kathy McCollum, said.

“My son did die in vain. This was an unnecessary debacle. It could have been handled properly. They had months and months to remove everyone from Afghanistan and they chose not to. And so they sent in freaking what? 6,000 troops? And my son, through the laws of statistics, my son was one of the ones that just got blown up in a freaking terrorist bomb yesterday,” McCollum said.
“I never thought in a million years that he would die for nothing. For nothing. Because a feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap wanted a photo-op on Sept. 11, that’s what kills me,” McCollum said.
“Dementia-ridden piece of crap needs to be removed from office, it never would have happened under Trump,” McCollum also said.
‘Was It Worth It?’ A Fallen Marine And A War’s Crushing End
She was folding a red sweater when she heard a car door slam, went to the window and realized that a moment she always imagined would kill her was about to be made real: three Marines and a Navy chaplain were walking toward her door, and that could only mean one thing. . .
Staff Sergeant Steve Bancroft began an excruciating two-hour drive toward Catherwood’s parents’ house in northern Illinois. He’d served seven months in Iraq before he became a casualty assistance officer, tasked with notifying families of a death on the battlefield. . .
“Was it worth it? We lost so many people. It’s hard to think about how many we’ve lost.” he said.
via joemiller


  1. It’s always sad to lose any military people, but it’s even worse that they died under a fake and unfit administration. It’s obvious Obama is calling the shots by how ignorant the calls are.

  2. Yes so very true!!! ALL democrats that voted,
    cheating mainly and ALL of the DC democrats ALL need to be charged with 1st degree murder.
    This trial needs to be a military not a regular trial.
    The military has told for several months before the withdrawal started was to remove the people, and then the equipment (was told by someone close 58 billion ) then pull the troops so far back to the bases. Now China has up to date military info.

  3. First: Biden did NOT kill her son. If you want to place the blame ob any American military personnel killed in Afghanistan would and should be placed on the president that started the war there, G. W. Bush, Obama and Trump. Biden has been trying to stop the slaughter of Americans there. Military people die and that is a fact that every serviceman is aware of when they sign up. Today If you want to complain and or place blame, Call your Congressman and ask why they did not do something over 18 years ago. If they did this woman’s son would most likely be alive today.

    • Yes, Biden did and is responsible for her son’s death. There was a plan to do this without issues but bumbling Biden had to appease the communists/marxists and this was what he did. (Actually he didn’t, his handlers did). The plan, take out Americans, then the equipment and then the military. There would have been none of what’s happened. Now we have no respect in the world. Just listen to some of their leaders.

    • biden’s reckless disregard for the lives of civilians is what killed her son.previous to that half-wit “withdrawal” we had not lost any in well over a year!

    • WE are talking about NOW! Not what has conspired years ago to make this even worse, Biden & his Cronies should have MADE a Plan & carried it out SO Very Few would lose their Lives! These Soldiers had NO REASON to DIE except at the hands of an INEPT PRESIDENT to FIXATED On a GOOD PRESIDENT rather than what he should be doing for the American People.

    • She is 100% correct! You didn’t see this happening when Trump was in charge of the withdrawal. But The C.S. Democrat voters who put this J.A. C.S. person who doesn’t know what time it is, where he’s at nor what he’s doing in office the blood of those men who died in Afghanistan is on your hands and it won’t wash off. Just remember when Putin invades The Ukraine he will sit on his hands and do NOTHING. Let me tell you that I’ve to The Ukraine twice. I was well received by The Ukrainian people who took time to tell me how much they liked Americans. I have several members of my family who voted for Sleepy Joe. They need to run this H.A. out of town on a rail after they tar and feather him and that Vice President of his.

    • the only things Biden has stopped is our pipeline, our borders and our safety, along with our faith in government, humanity & telling the truth
      his administration makes me puke. absolutely needs to be gone

    • One thing you can say about this. Joebama has armed the enemy of the world very well. I wonder how many people will die because the idiot didn’t have brains enough to bring our weapons’ back home where they belong. How many people do you think will die because he has armed the biggest bunch of terrorist in the history of the world. Obama gave them a whole plane load of cash so they can build a nuke . This is just a follow up on the plan. It is going just as planed .
      The plan seams to me that the democraps want to have as many people killed by the terrorist’s that they can and make you pay for it.

  4. I have said the same thing for years. Go back to Vietnam . Kennedy (democrat) just about burnt the tire off trying to get us in That . Eisenhauer said there is no need for us to be there . We have no problems over there. We had just saved the whole world in WW 2 and Korea. Johnson sent 70000 + to Nam with no plane at all. He sent them to their graves and half or more that came home were treated like crap. Nixon (republican) put a end to all that and he was impeached by the democrats and removed from of office.
    The USA is week to allow the UN to tell us what to do. There is to much money being made in the sale of weapons’ of war. Not just weapons’ all the support , oil , food, transportation and so on and so on. On and on it goes. Your kids end up dead and these people that caused it get a book deal worth millions, they buy a huge multi million dollar home on Martha’s vineyard they get a spot on HBO where they can spread more crap (obama). Ted Kennedy was allowed to get away with murder. He was there in the 60’s and 70’s sending our kids to die. I better stop for now

    • Democreeps don’t like anyone who can do the job BETTER THAN THEM!
      They all seem to be Over Educated Idiots that need these ELABORATE Committees of 8 to 15 People for Handlers, because they do not know how to make decisions on their own!

      • Yes you could say so. It most definitely was in the works and would have taken place . technicality.
        The point is the democraps were keeping us in there conflict overseas . It was also never declared as war. That was the very beginning of us becoming the worlds police force. How many lives have been destroyed because our government is going to save the world at the expense of our lives .
        B/S , its all B/S . Never should have been there or any of the so called wars.
        I must stop or I will go on forever . Thanks

  5. They are ALL RESPONSIBLE for every DEATH over there because they are RESPONSIBLE for the DEADLY COVID CON that they have spread here for their great friends in China.
    I knew with what I have been reading they DIDN’T EVEN THINK about bringing those SOLIDERS HOME! The Terrorists have claimed BACK Afghanistan for their own! EVER wonder WHY KERRY was over there a lot when Trump was in Office, I bet he was striking a DEAL, do not trust this Government they DO NOT have AMERICANS best interest in mind only their own! WE HAVE a NEED to IMPEACH!!!

  6. Dear Mrs. McCollum – I am SO sorry for your loss. Please take heart in knowing that he died an honorable death – and that millions of Americans like me are crying with you today. This stupid, useless war has devastated many families liike yours. Take care of yourself.

  7. Yes…my sympathies to this family. She has every right to feel this way and repercussions from this crime (in and of itself) should have heads rolling. The whole country should take a serious look at what we see going on in our nation…from the Covid (flu) hoax that DOES have remedies and vax is not needed…nor shut downs, masks, etc… the economic chaos….to the open borders (which says that they care absolutely nothing for our safety) ….the monetary waste which they harm future generations with….to the non-existent values they bring to the table via abortion/selling of baby’s body parts for profit. etc. etc. The Deep State harms our nation in many more ways with their deceit and election fraud. We, the people need to make our voices heard and stand up for what is good and right. God bless America…and may He destroy our enemy within soon. (Looks like they are helping it along nicely themselves, though)

  8. I SO understand this woman’s anguish, because she’s right. Her son and all the others were sent to be slaughtered and the so-called administration neither did what they were supposed to, nor are they taking responsibility for their criminal ineptitude—-and oh by the way, we are not allowed to criticize Bidon the Bumbler because hey, he’s got nothing on or in his mind (but dementia). Not only did he hand these stone-age murderers the lives of our people, he and his high-paid, high-bribed cronies graciously saw to it that they got billions of dollars in weapons and equipment paid for by YOU and ME. Good job guys.


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