Not just the police. DEFUND ALL LAW, says Rashida Tlaib

You’d think the people who can’t wait to put Legos in jail would be MORE interested in funding for government agencies, not LESS. But of course it depends on who is being targeted. DHS isn’t out arresting everyone in a MAGA hat, so they’ve got to GO.
In the clip below, Rashida Tlaib literally says “we must eliminate funding for CBP, ICE and their parent organization DHS.”
So just to be clear, protecting America against terrorists, securing the border, prosecuting illegal aliens is bad and must be defunded, along with the police at ever local level.
On the other hand, the LEGOSTAPO is good and great, and so is the NSA.
Got it? Agenda clear enough?

Before our eyes the left is dismantling free America and replacing it with the Soviet Union, and CNN is just out there helping them do it. Make sure to let Jake Tapper know what you think about that.
via therightscoop


  1. Is she going to give up her private security? I didn’t think so. Why isn’t this enemy combatant in prison or better yet a grave.
    GOD Bless and GOD Help Us!
    All Lives Matter!
    I Back the Blue!
    I Stand for the Flag and I kneel Only for Christ!
    Liberty or Death!
    Don’t Tread on Me!
    Death to All Tyrants.
    Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God.

  2. Well she has a point. All these organizations refuse to do their jobs. They have let rioters burn our cities, people have stolen our election, yet none have been sent to jail. Either they arrest the corrupt politicians or they should be defunded !!

  3. Okay, get rid of all LAWS then we can go after the ones that are calling for this WITHOUT anybody suffering any Repercussions…..Let’s send Tlaib off to where the sun doesn’t shine FIRST…….!!!!!!

  4. She & her ilk, Ilhan Omar& others in our country thanks to Obummer need to be removed along with Obummer & all sent packing back to whence they came! They are now considered Interlopers! The have NO BUSSINESS in our government !!

  5. Is this woman truly this stupid or is she just trying to get air time in place of AOC? How did this person manage to get into congress? She must have paid someone a lot of money to buy enough votes to get where she is today. Just shows that it is true that often the scum that rises to the top.

  6. She is what they call ‘an ugly American. How can the people in DCA tolerate such an anti-American like that. They should be ashamed of her being a politicians and should be kicked out. If not for treason, there must be a black list for ugly politicians or hateful Americans She is a disgrace to the American people and should be deported. Shame on those politicians who don’t follow through on banning her; especially in politics.

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