Report: Biden Admin Bringing Afghans ‘With No Documents Whatsoever’ to U.S.

Afghans are arriving in the United States despite having “no documents whatsoever” after having been screened and approved by President Joe Biden’s federal agencies, CNN reported.
Sources with knowledge of Biden’s massive refugee resettlement operation out of Afghanistan to the U.S. told CNN that many Afghans are arriving at Dulles International Airport in Virginia without having any paperwork on them.
The goal from the top-down, a source told CNN, is to fast-track as many Afghans out of the screening and vetting process in European and Middle Eastern countries and board them on flights to the U.S. without first requiring documentation or proof of identity. . .
CNN reported:
The approach from the administration has been “get as many people on the plane as you can, and we’ll sort out the (immigration visa) stuff later,” the source added, pointing to the rush to get people out of Afghanistan after the US-backed government there collapsed. [Emphasis added]
via joemiller


  1. The last thing we need is more trash coming into this country, but this is the same thing the leaders did to their countries in Europe with muslims, the UN is calling these shots, they’re also responsible for the trash pouring in across our southern border, The UN is the world enemy and is the cover for the NWO that now goes by the “Great Reset”. it’s all about destroying all cultures and making is one.

  2. This is going to have repercussions for years to come,between bringing in Afghans and illegals from the boarder Noone knows who’s who or how many are potential terrorists looking to do our country harm,we only have this president and his administration to hold accountable any destruction that may be caused from these unknowns


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