Soros Backed Sheriff Wouldn’t Turn Over Router Data to AZ Senate Audit

We’ve recently reported on the Sheriff of Maricopa County who was backed by George Soros in the 2016 election.  Sheriff Paul Penzone was with the Maricopa Board of Supervisors when they begged the Arizona Senate to stop the audit they were in the process of executing in the County.
Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and Soros-Backed Sheriff Beg AZ Senate to End Election Audit “For the Good of the Country”
Then at one point during the audit, it was uncovered that the Maricopa Board of Supervisors refused to provide information requested for review.  This was unheard of in any audit.  The Board claimed that providing router data posed a threat to the Sheriff’s office.  The router information would have shown where items were sent and at what time and the size of the transfer of information.
Is Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Covering Up for Soros Connected Sheriff’s Communications As Much As for 2020 Election Activity?
Now in a different case Penzone is likely facing contept charges for committing similar inactions.  A federal judge signalled on Thursday that he will find Sheriff Paul Penzone in contempt for taking too long to investigate charges of misconduct among officers.
In a pointed rebuke after the U.S. Department of Justice asked U.S. District Judge G. Murray Snow in March to order a contempt hearing, Snow said Penzone’s department is “clearly” out of compliance with his 2016 court order to overhaul the investigation process.
“Even if I believe everything in the brief is true, which I don’t, I would still find the sheriff in contempt,” Snow told the attorneys early in the hearing, referring to Penzone’s response to the Justice Department’s request for an order to show cause.
The Justice Department and the sheriff’s lawyers should focus on negotiating remedies, not the moot merits of a potential contempt case, Snow said.
via thegatewaypundit


  1. Then arrest this dirty corrupt criminal! And why Soros has never been arrested is beyond me! That pig needs to be held accountable!

    • Just confiscate everything he has acquired since arriving here; then revoke his citizenship and ship his butt back to whatever country he came from. Or whichever nation that will take him.
      I include the want-a-be Sheriff, he is a disgrace to everyone in Law-enforcement.
      What will he NOT do to keep his money man happy?

  2. Why am I not surprised that anyone who was backed by George Soros would violate a court order to turn over election data from the 2020 election. Personally, I believe that any elected official who was backed by Soros needs to be investigated. Considering George Soros’ declaration the he would destroy the allied countries of WWII, any financial support from him should be considered tainted.

  3. This just proves without a shadow of a doubt that the election was stolen and they are hidding the evidence. String them up, they all need to go to jail.

  4. Just put the traitor sheriff in Gitmo for a few months, he will come clean and expose Soros and friends! No mercy for Traitors! Get ALL of his stuff with warrants and lock down all of his assets til he comes 100% clean and exposes the radical left wing traitors. Trump will be back in office soon and Biden/Harris will be in prison for a very long time for their Voter Fraud.

  5. What is the current Bounty on Soros – dead or alive? Just wondering if it is time to take him down? We all know he is a very violent felon and anti-American Traitor. Why is he still roaming free in this world?

  6. As time goes on, the American people are waking up, more and more, and realizing that the election was rigged, as Trump has insisted, and that our communist media lies to us constantly, saying that there is no evidence of voter fraud! The people in the media are not the brightest, but not even they are that dumb! This is going to continue to work against the evil Democrats, and I think that they will pay for this in the next mid-term election! I sure hope so, because as Trump said, the only hope for the future of this country is for people to quit electing Democrats, because they are evil!

    • We should not be surprised at this. It was our news media that wanted Stalin, the second bloodiest butcher in history – second only to Mao – to come here and show us how to run a government.

      • Very true. Stalin killed more of his own countrymen than Hitler did.
        Estimates place deaths attribued to Stalin and his policies as between 20 and 60 MILLION over his 30 year rule.
        We know of the 6,000,000 Jews attributed to Hitler over his 12 year rule. There’s an estimate of 11,000,000 total, but not all were Germans.

  7. Only an election can remove a Sheriff as he is the most powerful law officer of any county. The only other alternative is if it can be proven he has committed a crime or broken a law passed by the state legislature that is a constitutional law. Sheriffs are elected…you can’t just fire them and Soros knew this…it’s why he wanted Joe Arpaio out of there and financially backed a guy he could control..

    • He can be removed for violation of his oath of office and other things. The coroner is the top law enforcement officer once the sheriff is under charges.

      • You’re absolutely right…pretty much what I meant by “committed a crime” or broken a constitutional law, his oath being part of that, but coroner huh? Who’s got that slot down there…hope it’s a patriot that knows what a slut Soros is.

  8. He must think ( or maybe not ) he is law enforcement and above the law , I sense a Big BOOM coming his way

  9. Soros is the real reason this country is in the chaos that it is in. He’s infecting all areas of this way of life! He’s the powers & principalities that is going around the world world roaming & seeking whom he can destroy!

  10. “Fire The Crooked Bastard!” Soros should be deported to, Russia, they have a warrant out for him! He’s a, “Blight On Freedom!” He’s been a, “Prick All His, Lousy Life!” Get his, Scumbag son at the same time!

  11. The conspiracy from the Soros factions come more into focus. They were a major part of the 2020 voter fraud cabal. Where is the justice?

  12. every body with ties to soros is a lying, cheating, corrupt fool. i will bet you that the only way he won was by cheating, that election should be looked at

  13. I agree, there has to be some uncorrupted lawmen above this old Nazi appointed sheriff. Arizona needs to stand tall at this moment.

  14. How many times does SOROS name have to come up before it’s just too obvious that they can no longer defend this …. being ….???

      • Well it didn’t help Bernie M. now did it?
        He might get away with it here .. but sadly and I do mean that, he will regret it for all eternity in Hell .. his ” billions ” mean nothing to God The Father …
        I wish he would stop and listen to Jesus knocking .. and answer it. Imagine what he could do for the Kingdom w/all that $$$…..

        • Soros is not a religious man and in fact was born a Jew, but helped the Germans in his native county of Hungary identify and capture fellow Jews. Real sweet guy, ah?

  15. Our county commissioners are as crooked as snakes aand Penzone is the first libtard sheriff Maricopa County has ever had. If you don’t believe it, just look at who funded him, the billionaire who wants the US destroyed.

    • Yeah that would be fine an dandy, except he has spawned offspring who will continue his legacy. The election buying will continue unabated.

      • Wow! Just think, this sheriff is doing the same thing as Joe Biden’s Secretary of Defense (SOD). Lloyd Austin, Biden’s SOD is an Obama acolyte and he is getting rid of any military person who he labels a terrorist. We do not know how he knows who in the military is a terrorist, but I suspect it is anyone who voted for President Trump; which if the truth be known is the majority of our military. Austin is also indoctrinating our military to CRT (Critical Race Theory) and thus most of our military leaders will be indoctrinating our troops to be good Democrats. I served over 27 years in the military, but would never serve today; our military is not supposed to be political. In fact, when I was in, you could not try to persuade anyone to vote for any particular candidate. Looks like Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, and Lloyd Austin are doing something unconstitutional with their CRT and their terrorist witch hunts. Where are the opposition (Republicans) as they should be up in arms over this?

        • I agree!
          Unfortunately we have 3 types of Republicans in Washington:
          1. Those that yap! yap! yap! then do absolutely nothing!
          2. Spineless cowards!
          3. Career politicians who are there to serve themselves and their wallets!

  16. Put the sheriff in jail for contempt. He ought top really enjoy a few nights with the boys. Why is it that every time something really stinks Soros’ name pops up?

  17. The importance of knowing who is supporting your county sheriff. An elected position in the wrong hands is never good. Soros backed! It can’t be good.

  18. Vote the Maricopa crooked Sheriff out. He should be put in stockades for a week or two and let the public throw crap in his face. That is what he is doing to the public by refusing to do see an honest recount is performed.
    He is not a Sheriff, but a bought off puppet…..

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