Ukraine Defense Adviser to Newsmax: Russia Looking to North Korea For Help

Russian President Vladimir Putin is “not confident” in his military’s ability to defeat Ukraine and is seeking “additional sources of human power” from other countries, including North Korea, Oleksandr Danylyuk, a defense and security advisor to the Ukrainian government, tells Newsmax. 

“Putin’s Russia is not confident in its ability to win this war and one of the reasons is because Russian soldiers were completely demoralized after that first month of the war in which they were beaten by the Ukrainian army,” Danylyuk said on Newsmax’s “America Right Now” Saturday. “They realized that it’s probably the worst conflict they ever had in history since the end of the Second World War.”

So Putin is looking elsewhere for fighters, including in Syria, as has been reported, said Danylyuk, adding that Ukrainian intelligence has intercepted communications involving Aleksandr Dugin, one of Putin’s closest advisers, and North Korean officials.

“They wanted the North Koreans to participate in the war,” said Danylyuk, calling the request “another indicator” that “Putin and his lies are completely insane” and pose danger not only for Ukraine but a “grave danger for the rest of the world as well.”

“That’s why we have to think about what should be the safest way to replace Putin because obviously there is no way to coexist with this regime anymore,” he added.

Meanwhile, Danylyuk said he does agree that if the United States had chosen to keep military exercises going in Ukraine and supplied the country with weapons back when the threat started coming from Russia a year ago, the situation might not be what it is now his country.

“We all know about how deterrence works,” he said. “It would be much better for the current situation, and again, I think that maybe Putin wouldn’t even dare to attack Ukraine.”

But now, Ukraine needs the United States to adhere to its promises for weapons for Ukraine, including the additional $500 million in aid President Joe Biden promised Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy this past week, Danylyuk said.

“I think that we can compare the scale and the quality of this aid to the aid of the U. S provided to the government of Afghanistan,” he commented. “I don’t think that this is fair to supply and Ukraine by anything less sufficient than what Afghanistan had. We are not in the fight with not with the mujahideen but the most capable army in the world, or at least in the continent.”

If the United States wants Ukraine to win the war, in the “least bloody way to reduce casualties, Ukrainian soldiers and Ukrainian civilians, I think that you have to think about something more significant than just tactical weapons.”

Danylyuk insisted Ukraine is thankful for all aid that has been received, but “we have to realize that our enemy is the hugest army of the continent…it’s a matter of quality of systems, over quantity of systems.”

via newsmax


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